The Stoic Jew

Rav Hirsch’s Stoic Take on Bli Neder (Seneca – Letter #13)

November 12, 2021 Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 6 Episode 15
The Stoic Jew
Rav Hirsch’s Stoic Take on Bli Neder (Seneca – Letter #13)
Show Notes

Synopsis: The first instance of a neder (vow) in the Torah in Parashas Vayeitzei, when Yaakov Avinu makes a neder upon waking up from his dream about the ladder. Rav Hirsch provides a beautiful exposition on the folly of making nedarim. Ironically, his comments contain far more Stoicism than the actual writings of the Stoics on this topic! 

This week's Torah content has been sponsored anonymously. May Hashem send a refuah shleimah to Margalit Esther bat Ettel and Noam Binyamin Refael ben Dina Nili.

Related Rabbi Schneeweiss Content:
- Parashas Mattos: Bli Neder
- Tehilim 116 (Ahavti) Part 1 and Part 2
- If you're interested in a full shiur on this, check out Vayeitzei: Practical Insights from Yaakov Avinu's Neder.

- Seneca, Letter #31
- Rav S.R. Hirsch, Bereishis 28:20
- Rav S.R. Hirsch, Horeb 471
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