The Stoic Jew

Reflection on Counting 52 Weeks of My Life (Seneca – On the Shortness of Life)

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 10 Episode 11

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

Synopsis: Exactly one year ago I launched the “Weeks of My Life” calendar experiment. I was reminded of this by a friend who just listened to the Counting the Weeks of My Life episode I made upon launching that experiment (see the show notes for the link), who asked me how this weekly experiment has impacted me since then. I decided to make an impromptu episode in which I answer his question. 

Related Rabbi Schneeweiss Content:
 - Counting the Weeks of My Life (12/1/21)
- Tallis as a Vehicle of Gratitude and a Reminder of Death (article and podcast) (8/16/21)

- Ibn Ezra on Tehilim 90:12
- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life
- Gandalf

Other Resources:
- Weeks of My Life calendar
The Torah content for the month of Kislev has been sponsored by Serena and Paul Koppel, who want to be makir tov and express gratitude.
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail.
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If you would like to sponsor a day's or a week's worth of content, or if you are interested in enlisting my services as a teacher or tutor, you can reach me at rabbischneeweiss at Thank you to my listeners for listening, thank you to my readers for reading, and thank you to my supporters for supporting my efforts to make Torah ideas available and accessible to everyone.
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