The Stoic Jew

The Stoic Jew Shiur #03: Stoic Values vs. Jewish Values (Meditations 2:1)

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 15 Episode 3

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes
Synopsis: This evening (7/10/24), in our Stoic Jew Shiur, we achieved our goal of finishing our analysis of the opening entry of Book II. After reviewing and continuing what we did last time, we raised a question that has bothered me for years: Judaism has a clear statement about what our ultimate value system is, but what is the underlying value system in Stoicism? We then analyzed the final argument in the chapter and concluded by reading the chapter we'll cover next time. I'm really glad we spent three sessions on this! Not only did we emerge with a clearer understanding of the particulars, but we also discussed a lot of fundamentals!
Aurelius - Meditations 2:1 (trans. Long, Farquharson, Waterfield)
Robin Waterfield – Marcus Aurelius Meditations: The Annotated Edition, Introduction (pp.xl-xli)
רמב"ם - משנה תורה: ספר המדע, הלכות תשובה ט:א-ב
ירמיהו ט:כב-כג
אבות ג:ב
רמב"ם - אבות ד:ד
The Torah content for the first half of July has been sponsored by Rachayl with “a heartfelt thank you.” Summer is now fully underway! In addition to my new Stoic Jew Shiur (Wednesday nights from 8:00-9:30pm EDT) and my relaunched Rambam Bekius podcast, I will be writing more substack articles over the next two months, some of which will be exclusively for paid subscribers. If you appreciate my writing, my recorded content, and my free Zoom shiurim and would like to support what I do, consider becoming a paid subscriber on the Rabbi Schneeweiss Substack today!
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Rambam Bekius Podcast:
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